Pacific Palisades Restaurants
Below are links to our Pacfic Palisades Restaurants. Many of them are open and available for take out and many deliver. The links below likewise reflect current hours and link directly to restaurant websites. A link to a printable list with enabled phone numbers (courtesy of the Palisadian Post) can be found HERE. Links to restaurant reviews (courtesy of Circling The News) can be found HERE. This page will be updated when possible. For corrections and suggestions, please submit our Feedback form.

P: 310-459-4499 H: 11am-4pm

P: 424-272-9105 H: 7am-2pm

P: 310-573-1940 H: M-Th 11:30 am - 9 pm F-Sat 11:30 am - 9:30 pm Sun 12:00 pm - 9 pm

P: 310-907-9899 H: 4-8:30 pm

P: 310-573-1335 H: M-Thu 11am-8pm F-Sun 9am-8pm

P: 310-459-8823 H: 5-8:30 pm

P: 310-394-2222 H: 7 am - 2 pm

Highlands P: 310-454-8889 H: 11:30 am- 9 pm Villlage P: 310-581-4000 M-F 4:30-9 pm Sat- Sun 11:30-9 pm

P: 310-459-9628 H: 11am-9:30pm

P: 310-230-0153 H: 10:30 am-9pm

P: 310-454-0709 H: M 12-7:45 pm Tue - F 8:30 am- 7:45 pm Sat 8:30 am-2 pm; 4:30-7:45 pm Sun 8:30-11 am

P: 310-454-1035 H: Sun-Thu 11am-10pm F-Sat 11am-11pm

P: 424-581-6515 H: 10 am - 6 pm

P: 424-330-0220 H: 8am-1pm

P: 310-459-7380 H: 8am-8pm

P: 310-573-1660 H: Tue - Sun 4-8 pm

P: 310-454-3474 H: closed

P:310-427-3077 H: closed

P: 310-459-4200 H: 7am-5pm

P: 424-268-4557 H: closed

P: 310-573-9900 H: M-F 7am-7:30pm Sat 7am-4pm

P: 310-459-8118 H: W-Sun 12-8pm

P: 310-573-9777 H: Closed

P: 424-330-0126 H: Closed

P: 310-459-0979 H: 5-7:30 pm

P: 310-230-3000 H: T-Sun 12-8 pm

P: 310-230-1461 H: M-F 5 am - 1 pm Sat-Sun 6 am - 1 pm

P:310-459-6160 H: M-Sat 6:30am-6pm Sun 9am-4pm

P: 310-459-4400 H: 11am-10pm

P: 310-459-4544 H: 9am-3pm

P: 310-459-9790 H: 5-9 pm

P: 310-499-2989 H: 11am-8pm

P: 310-573-4105 H: M-Sat 10am-4pm

P: 310-230-3991 H: closed

P: 310-573-3727 H: M-Thu 10am-8pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat 12-9pm Sun 3-8pm

P: 310-454-6710 H: M-Sat 5-8 pm

P: 310-442-2722 H: 11am-6pm

Village P: 310-573-0177 H: 6:30am - 2pm Highlands P: 310-573-4138 H: 6:30am - 2pm Vons (at Sunset) P: H: Same as Von's

Village P: 310-459-5433 closed Sunset & PCH P: 310-573-7338 closed

P: 310-454-6710 H: M-Sat 5-8 pm

P: 310-573-7757 H: closed

P: 310-459-7645 H: M-Thu 7am-12am F-Sat 7am-2am Sun 8am-12am

P: 310-454-0988 H: 11am-10pm

P: 310-526-0027 H: 4-8:30pm

P: 310-459-9808 H: closed

P: 310-230-1411 H: 11 am- 8:30 pm

P: 310-573-8938 H: Tue-Sun 4-8pm

P: 310-459-0088 H: 1-8pm

P: 310-454-8228 H: 2-8pm

P: 310-459-9316 H: T-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 4-9 pm